I had been doing photography as a paid hobby for a few years, but it wasn't until June of 2020 when I took it full time! After years of food service, hospitality, + even dental assisting ...making this the real deal was a huge step for me.

It's definitely had its ups and downs, as with any thing in this crazy life. I was quickly slapped in the face with a list of things I didn't know, but needed to learn. So I set fourth, pulled up my big girl sweats, + went to work hard as hell to build what you see now.  

It all started with a barbie disposable film camera + my dad's affinity for yard sales.
Once I had the one camera and realized how COOL taking photos was... I just had to have more cameras. Best place to look was yard sales + I was rarely disappointed. 
At the time I was 6 years old, so I didn't quite get the intricacies of your more classic film bodies. 
So I stuck with different varieties of instant film +  little point and shoots.
Since most of my photos were of my dog or my brother playing Super Mario, I don't think I ever envisioned a life where I would be successful in finding beauty in those little moments with strangers. 

so you're probably wondering how I got here